Group Lending
Cedar Microfinance Bank group based loans are loan facilities designed for micro-enterprise operators, who do not have conventional collateral. These loans are usually small in size and have a short tenor. To supplement collateral requirements, the loans are secured partly by cash and partly by group guarantees. To access these types of loans one has be a member of registered and unregistered groups of 5-30 members.
Group lending is where individuals borrow in the group by use of co-guarantee mechanism and any other appropriate securities accepted by the bank.
- Formation facilitated by wealth creation officers
- Individual members must be over 18 years of age.
- Minimum 5 members and maximum 30 members
- Lending to solidarity groups registered under Cedar MFB.
- Members must be willing to meet weekly
- Repayment period up to 6 months.
- Group guarantee (jointly and severally liable)
- Loan sizes range from ₦20,000.00 to ₦200,000.00
- Members are eligible for repeat loans upon successful completion of the current loan.
- Accessible to all small and micro enterprenuers
- No conventional security is required
- Fast processing of loans and disbursements
- Business trainings offered for personal development
- Flexible repayment periods- up to 6 months
- Competitive interest rates.
- Individuals cannot leave the group until all the members have paid back the loans.
- Members are encouraged to continue with savings as well as loan repayments so that they may be able to borrow more funds in future and use their savings as security.
- Members are encouraged to meet and pay their loan amounts on a weekly basis.
- Members who have successfully borrowed and repaid from the bank, will be able to access personal loans.
Individual Loan
Cedar Individual loan is for individuals engaged in business and are not willing to join the group system (Secured Individual Borrowing). Apart from group loans, customers are able to access individual loans. This is an excellent facility for those clients who have outgrown group loan.
Business/development loans for on-going business to initiate or improve working capital. This loan is offered to individuals not from the groups.
- For graduating clients in business
- Have a proven track record
- Ability to fully secure the loan
- Loan sizes range from ₦200,000.00 to ₦500,000.00
- Repayment period - up to 6 months
- Individual loans
- No weekly meetings
- Flexible repayment period- up to 6 months
- Flexible collateral / Security terms
- Fast loan processing and disbursement
- Competitive interest rate
- Easy loan graduations
- Business trainings and motivational talks offered for personal developments
- Loan advances available at affordable interest rates
Asset Financing
This is a short to medium term loan granted to customers for purchase of moveable capital assets, mainly Motor Vehicles, construction equipment, industrial plant & machinery, agricultural equipment, Office and I.T equipments.
- Minimal deposit required
- Affordable Credit Life insurance cover to settle the outstanding balance in case of death or total permanent disability
- Amount depends on ability to repay
- Flexible collateral requirements and the asset you buy can be part of the security
- Quick processing and disbursement
- Flexible repayment terms
- Loan Competitive interest rates and fees
- Uninterrupted use of the asset for an affordable weekly repayment
- Secured facility open to salaried customers
Micro Insurance
This pasckage is designed for the protection of economically active poor against specific perils in exchange for regular premium payment proportionate to the likelihood and cost of the risks involved. The target population typically consists of persons ignored by mainstream commercial and social insurance schemes, as well as persons who have not previously had access to appropriate insurance products.
Cedar Micro Insurance comes with a variety of products such as Micro Health, Micro Leasing and Micro Housing.